I started a 365

June 7, 2010

Eh, I don’t know if I’ll finish it, since I never finish anything, but I’ll try!

Here’s a link to it: http://www.flickr.com/photos/nicksilvestri/sets/72157624220261596/

Oh, and if you didn’t know, a 365 is a photo project where you take a picture everyday for a year.

You know where there’s that day when people write love on their arms for To Write Love On Her Arms?

Well there should be a day where people write Not Penny’s Boat on their hand (you know, from Lost).

Hmm but what day would it be? I suppose you could pick a random day… but then that’s not special. Maybe the day that the episode aired? That was May 23rd (Thank you Lostpedia!) and HEY that’s coming up!!!

K, that’s officially the day; I declared it.

Birthday Wish List

March 26, 2010

1. A pair of TOMS shoes. You probably know what TOMS does, but if you don’t, they give a pair of shoes to a child in need for every pair that you buy. I already have 2 pairs đŸ˜€ They’re super comfortable.

2. This shirt!!! It’s made by TOMS, and it translates to “a day without shoes” and since that day is 3 days after my birthday, I should just get this shirt and wear it on that day.

3. THIS shirt!!! It’s for a nonprofit called charity:water, and they build wells for the one in every eight people that don’t have access to clean water.

4. And lassstttlyyy, new foam tips for my headphones! Mine are deteriorating and so is my case!!! đŸ˜¦   But it’s okay the case will last longer.

P.S. Have you ever heard to a song and really like it, and then you actually listen to the lyrics and realize that it’s really… strange?! That just happened to me with this song. But I don’t care if it is messed up because I still like it!

You’ve probably heard of these social networks, but I don’t care because I like them!

So follow me on DailyBooth and ask me a question on Formspring.

Because I’m cool.